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February 5, 2020
This episode is a continuation of last week’s interview with Joel Yoder about avoiding burnout. Today Joel presents a number of specific ideas and…
January 29, 2020
In 2017 Joel Yoder was starting to burn out due to the stress that he was facing. Before his stress became too serious, he made a few changes that…
January 21, 2020
Clayton Shenk
What is it like to live in the city? How can one build God’s kingdom in an urban setting? In this episode, Clayton Shenk shares about his life in…
January 16, 2020
Matt Landis
In this impromptu conversation, Matt Landis comments on two events that happened late in 2019. Mark Galli, editor of Christianity Today, called for…
January 15, 2020
Valerie Miller
In this episode, Valerie Miller tells her story. Valerie was born in India, and at a young age was adopted into an Anabaptist family. She shares the…
January 8, 2020
Nathan Zook
In what ways has the Anabaptist movement historically encouraged ethnic equality? How can Anabaptists continue to support racial reconciliation? In…
January 1, 2020
David Bercot
How does an Anabaptist view salvation differently than other Christians? Why is it important to have a correct view of salvation? In the episode,…
December 17, 2019
Stephen Russell
In this unscripted conversation with Stephen Russell, various aspects of modern church history are discussed. From Mennonites fighting with Hitler to…
November 26, 2019
What are the steps necessary to become a Bible translator? What is the end goal of Bible translating? In this episode, Marvin shares his story of…
November 20, 2019
In this episode, Nathan Zook PhD discusses his view of the Christian’s involvement in politics, and how it has changed over the last number of years.…
November 13, 2019
Timothy Stoltzfus
In this episode, Timothy Stoltzfus presents a brief profile of contemporary Anabaptist youth, based off of a survey that he took in 2017. He…
November 6, 2019
What misconceptions are there about city life? Why is it important for Christians to live in cities? In this episode, Clayton Shenk shares his vision…
October 30, 2019
How has the Apocrypha been viewed throughout Church history? What can the Apocrypha add to one’s understanding of the New Testament? In this episode,…
October 23, 2019
In this episode, David Bercot explores the Apocrypha and its use throughout time. He shares how it was viewed by the apostles, the early church, and…
October 14, 2019
Ernest Eby
What are the different church planting models? How would planting an indigenous church in North America work? In this episode, Ernest Eby shares what…
October 10, 2019
Dean Taylor
Is it right for Christians to vote? How should Christians view governments? In this episode, Dean Taylor discusses the Christian’s interaction with…
October 8, 2019
In this episode, Stephen Russell defines nonresistance and traces it throughout Church history. He starts at the early church, touches on the…
October 4, 2019
Finny Kuruvilla
How does the New Testament discuss racial divides within the Church? What does segregation currently look like in American churches? In this episode,…
October 1, 2019
What is the Septuagint? Should Christians be using it today? In this episode, David Bercot J.D. shares the history of the Septuagint and its use in…
September 24, 2019
How can one assist in Bible translation without being linguistically inclined? What are some of the support roles that are needed in a translation…
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