

Building Community Peace Through Personal Peace

August 1, 2024

Building Community Peace Through Personal Peace

Janelle Glick suggests that, as we come to peace with our own lives and the God who is working in us, we are more at peace with others and God who is working in them, which makes unconditional love and peace in community possible.

Janelle also offers that reading through the New Testament and watching closely for the presence of women brings pleasant messages of hope for women. As male and female, we are called by Jesus to serve together in our communities. This involves hearing from each other and having challenging but peaceful conversations together.

Virginia Satir

Jean McLendon

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Episode Guest Info

Janelle Glick

Much of Janelle’s life has been spent in the daily tasks of family living, but God has also opened opportunities for her to spend six years studying counseling in university. She now enjoys working as a coach and mentor, helping Christian women experience Jesus’ love for them in ways that support their unique stories of wounding, redemption, and calling. She also loves studying the Bible, and teaching others how to do the same. Other favorite pastimes include relaxing on the sandy shores of Lake Erie, reading in a hammock under tall trees, and listening to the sound of laughter and play.

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Episode Host

Jaran Miller

Jaran Miller is a resident of Pennsylvania and a native of Tennessee. He received his K-12 education via homeschool, his college education at Lee University, and his most important education through the books he’s read and the human relationships he’s been privileged to have. Jaran enjoys living with his wife Sara. Together they engage in pursuits like playing the piano, reading books, and developing hospitality skills.

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