

Should Anabaptist Perspectives Host Women Speakers?

October 11, 2024

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Should Anabaptist Perspectives Host Women Speakers?

Marlin and Jaran respond to several comments from audience members about the work of women and men.

Comment 1: “I thought women where not supposed to teach men? Why is this women teaching this guy bible stuff haha”

Comment 2: “A Proverbs 31 woman is a business woman who runs her own businesses and buys her own property and is most definitely not being quiet and making whoopie pies all day for her husband while he tells her how to live her life. Paul is the only person in the whole canon of scripture to tell women to be quiet.”

Comment 3: “I think AP is crossing the bounds by inviting female participation here, even with it mostly focusing on women’s issues.”

Comment 4: “There’s different understandings and definitions of what Jew and Greek (or Gentile) means, but why does everyone stop there? It goes on to say there is no longer bond or free, male or female, but all are one in Christ. Things are supposed to be kept in context, so according to this, should women be ordained as pastors now?”

Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Neither Complementarian nor Egalitarian: A Kingdom Corrective to the Evangelical Gender Debate by Michelle Lee-Barnewall

Episode Guest Info

Marlin Sommers

Marlin lives in Southeast TN. He is married to Meredith and father to Zadok, Katherine, Job, Jude, and Charis. He is a philosopher and carpenter by training and currently serves with Anabaptist Perspectives and Starr Mountain Academy. The tagline for the latter organization expresses what he wants to be and wants to help others be: a worshipful knower and servant king.

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Episode Host

Jaran Miller

Jaran Miller is a resident of Pennsylvania and a native of Tennessee. He received his K-12 education via homeschool, his college education at Lee University, and his most important education through the books he’s read and the human relationships he’s been privileged to have. Jaran enjoys living with his wife Sara. Together they engage in pursuits like playing the piano, reading books, and developing hospitality skills.

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