

The Commitment of Forgiveness

June 6, 2024

The Commitment of Forgiveness

Roseanne Bauman offers a definition of forgiveness, looks at an example of forgiveness from the Bible, and speaks about her own story of forgiveness. Forgiveness requires a commitment to not dwell on the injury mentally, to not bring it up and accuse the other person with it ever again, and to not gossip about it. This commitment must be chosen over and over again.

Roseanne’s previous episodes:

What if My Friend is Abused?

Responding to Abuse: Past and Present

Episode Guest Info

Roseanne Bauman

Roseanne has a background in nursing and Christian education. She is a currently a nursing instructor at a community college, enjoys volunteering in the community, and is excited to be a member of the newly formed Oasis Mennonite Church in Kitchener, Ontario.

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Episode Host

Jaran Miller

Jaran Miller is a resident of Pennsylvania and a native of Tennessee. He received his K-12 education via homeschool, his college education at Lee University, and his most important education through the books he’s read and the human relationships he’s been privileged to have. Jaran enjoys living with his wife Sara. Together they engage in pursuits like playing the piano, reading books, and developing hospitality skills.

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