

The Feminine Cloud of Witnesses 

May 26, 2022

The Feminine Cloud of Witnesses 

Kristi Mast highlights women, past and present, who have inspired her. As the conversation progresses, she highlights the power of reading scripture congregationally. Then she offers a brief review of egalitarian and complementarian ideologies in contemporary Christianity. Kristi encourages women to see themselves first as disciples, rather than any other identity. She calls all of us to keep coming back to the text of the New Testament as we navigate issues around the roles of men and women in the church.

Kristi’s conversation with Kingdom Outpost

Interpreting the Bible in the Anabaptist Tradition by Stuart Murray

Martyrdom of Weynken narrated 

Martyrdom of Weynken from Martyr’s Mirror

Episode Guest Info

Kristi Mast

Kristi Mast graduated in 2022 from Sattler College with a major in Biblical and Religious Studies. She cares about working for spiritual maturity and growth in the church, and is also passionate about sustainability, emotional vulnerability, and fresh tomatoes. 

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Episode Host

Reagan Schrock

Reagan is a member of Wellspring Mennonite Church and lives with his wife Patricia in southeast Tennessee. Reagan, along with Jaran, started Anabaptist Perspectives in 2017, and serves in leadership in the organization, in addition to being deeply involved in overseas missions work.

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