[Bonus clip] The Mason and the Master Key

November 24, 2023

[Bonus clip] The Mason and the Master Key

This is an episode from our Partner bonus content, that we are releasing on our main channel. We regularly release bonus content that is available to monthly supporters making a recurring donation of any amount. https://anabaptistperspectives.org/partners

This bonus clip is from an upcoming interview where Reagan interviews his dad Gary Schrock. Gary shares about his experience earning trust on a large commercial job site. The full interview focuses on dealing with difficult customers in business.

Episode Guest Info

Episode Host

Reagan Schrock

Reagan is a member of Wellspring Mennonite Church and lives with his wife Patricia in southeast Tennessee. Reagan, along with Jaran, started Anabaptist Perspectives in 2017, and serves in leadership in the organization, in addition to being deeply involved in overseas missions work.

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