

Usury and the Historic Church

April 14, 2022

Usury and the Historic Church

What does Scripture have to say about loaning money at interest? Do Old Testament prohibitions apply to us? How does collecting interest fit with working with our own hands and being productive? 

Stephen Russell gives us glimpses into how the church has thought about this over the last two millenia, and how Christian thinking changed as economic systems changed. Stephen calls us to see God’s heart as revealed in the Old Testament year of Jubilee.  

Recommended Resource: https://www.crisismagazine.com/2011/catholics-and-usury-a-tragic-history

Episode Guest Info

Stephen Russell

Stephen Russell earned a degree in European Studies at George Mason University (1986-1988), and an M.A. in Church History and Theology at Wheaton Graduate School (1989). His voluntary service experiences include two summers in Germany (1978, 1982), Choice Books (1981), and a halfway house for parolees (1980). He taught in Christian schools for five years and worked at Choice Books for seventeen years. During a seven month stay in Israel (2006), he wrote a book on nonresistance, Overcoming Evil God’s Way.

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Episode Host

Jaran Miller

Jaran Miller is a resident of Pennsylvania and a native of Tennessee. He received his K-12 education via homeschool, his college education at Lee University, and his most important education through the books he’s read and the human relationships he’s been privileged to have. Jaran enjoys living with his wife Sara. Together they engage in pursuits like playing the piano, reading books, and developing hospitality skills.

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