

The Urban Challenge

February 19, 2020

The Urban Challenge

For the last thirty-four years, Allen Roth has lived in Brooklyn, New York. He shares his vision for living in the city as a strategic help to evangelism. Allen says, “You can’t catch fish if there ain’t none; you gotta go where they are.”

Episode Guest Info

Allen Roth

My wife and I (Allen Roth) have been involved in cross-cultural mission work and in church planting since 1978, first in Nicaragua, then in New York City where we have lived since 1986. We are the parents of three children and nine grandchildren scattered across the US and South Asia. It has been a wonderful journey which we consider to have been a great privilege and gift from God. Our vision and prayer is that God will awaken many in the Conservative Anabaptist churches across the US and Canada to hear God’s calling into church planting.

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Episode Host

Reagan Schrock

Reagan is a member of Wellspring Mennonite Church and lives with his wife Patricia in southeast Tennessee. Reagan, along with Jaran, started Anabaptist Perspectives in 2017, and serves in leadership in the organization, in addition to being deeply involved in overseas missions work.

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